Wedding Day Emergency Kit -
don't leave home without it

Here's what the Bride should have on hand:

-Nail File
-Extra Panty Hose for entire wedding party
-Clear Nail Polish for those who forget
-Same color nail polish (for touch ups)
-Fabric Tape
-Sewing Kit (small)
-Safety Pins (large & small)
-Nail glue
-Brush & Comb
-Bobby pins
-Make-up for touch ups (lipstick, rouge,powder, eye              make-up remover and q-tips)
-Water & paper cups
-Smelling Salts for the faint-away bride or groom with cold feet
-Bottle of chilled champagne!
-Extra pair of contacts
-Baby Wipes or Shout Wipes for removing stains
-White chalk or baby powder, to cover stains
  that won't come out

Thanks for your suggestions. Keep them coming.