1800Bride2b.com - Skin Care Tips

SKin Care Tips - How to Look Your Absolute Best On Your Wedding Day
By Martine Resta,
Licensed Aesthetician

Visit www.barefootinthespa.com

Start your skin care maintenance at least one month before
your wedding. The truth is, it's never too early to start.You should heed the following advice everyday, starting now.

-First! - The very first thing you have to do is hydrate, hydrate, hydrate! You've probably heard it a million times, but still may not believe that something so simple could so effectively plump up your skin. The general rule of thumb is to drink 1/2 your body weight in fluid ounces. So if you weigh 120 lbs, you should drink about 60 ounces of bottled or filtered water. That's at least 6 tall glasses a day. By the way, this excludes any other liquid like coffee, Coke or Gatorade.

Two weeks before the wedding you can up the dosage to 8 glasses a day. Yes, you will be making more visits to the Ladies Room than you care to count no less have interrupt your day. But believe it or not, your body does get used to this hydrating regimen. Once you get into the habit, your body will start asking for it. I can almost guarantee you will look your absolute best for the photos as your makeup will glide on your skin and give you that healthy glow!

I grant you, it's a good idea to cut back the day of the wedding, especially before the ceremony. Your nerves alone will be enough to send you to the ladies room just before you walk down the aisle.

-Use sunscreen - Summer or Winter!...with at least SPF 15. Many moisturizers and foundations now contain SPF protection. It must contain UVA (this is culprit of future wrinkles )and UVB protection.

Also, make sure it contains titanium dioxide, zinc oxide or avobenzene. 

Don't worry about wearing this the day of your wedding even if it is outdoors. Your foundation will most likely have enough SPF protection.


-Cleanse the face with a mild, creamy or gel cleanser. Remember, if your cleanser has a lathering agent, it is a detergent. Detergents will strip the natural protective barrier on you skin. Those with oily skin, please realize that by using mild cleansers, you are still cleansing effectively. The results will actually discourage the oil glands from over-active production. In two to three weeks time, the oil production in your face will begin to calm down.

Avoid washing more than twice a day.

-Toning - Follow cleansing with an alcohol-free and ph balanced toner because this will maintain the proper acidity your skin needs to fight the bacteria that causes blemishes. Also, it will not only increase your skin's ability to attract moisture, but it will help retain it as well.

-Moisturize - Follow toner with a moisturizer. Use something more restorative for evening, before going to bed. A common misconception about oily skin is the belief that you don't need to use moisturizers. In fact, using the proper moisturizer, one that is oil-free, will actually calm down the over production of oil.

-Exfoliate 2x a week starting one month before as this will discourage dead skin build-up which makes the skin look dull and sallow. Don't be too aggressive with this. Use something mild that you would find at a cosmetic counter. Make sure it is designed for the face, not the body. You can use a body polish for the body at least twice a week. Avoid direct sunlight after exfoliating. Your skin will be too sensitive.

-Get enough sleep - You know what lack of sleep can do. Whatever it takes to relax, do it the week of your wedding.

Martine Resta is the owner of Barefoot in the Spa / New York.

If you are interested in any skin care treatments or having your makeup professionally done for your wedding, call 1-800bride2-b to make an appointment.