Who's in Charge of planning the wedding?  

Ideally the bride and groom should plan their wedding together. However, things have a way of being taken over by the strongest personality and the most efficient planner. Let’s face it. It’s usually the bride or the bride’s mother. And when the Mother-in-Law gets her hands in, it can get a little sticky. The point is, if you can’t beat ‘em,  join ‘em. Delegate as many responsibilties as possible so that you can relax on your wedding day. The following Chart should help:
   Maid of Honor or Matron of Honor
-Helps plan all pre-wedding parties, i.e, bridal shower, reheasal dinner etc.
-Pays for her own wedding attire.
-In charge of bridesmaids’ ceremonial duties.
-Signs wedding certificate as legal witness.
-Part of the receiving line.
-If florist does not, is  required to hand out boutennires and coursages, the maid of honor should.

Best Man
-Pays for own wedding attire.
-Drives groom to the church.
-Pays the officiant at the ceremony.
-Signs the wedding certificate as a witness.
-Supervises ushers who escort guests to their seats.
-Offers first toast to the bride and groom at the reception.
  Mother of the Bride
-Rides with the bride to the ceremony.
-Acts as hostess. She’s the one who takes charge and oversees all the details of the ceremony
and reception.
-Should be the first to greet the guests in the receiving line.
-Should keep the mother and father of the groom informed of plans.
Father of the Bride
-Rides with the bride to the ceremony.
-Traditionally escorts daughter down the aisle.
-Receiving line.